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Meet the SEAMLESS Team – Prof. Nikos Ventikos: Coordinator of the SEAMLESS Project

  • 15/10/2024

Prof. Nikos Ventikos from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) leads the SEAMLESS project, overseeing its smooth execution and managing contributions from his research group, Maritime Risk Group (MRG). As coordinator, Prof. Ventikos plays a vital role in ensuring that the project’s goals, including vessel design, risk-based approval processes for autonomous ships, and the development of the ModalNET platform, are achieved efficiently.

Prof. Ventikos highlights Work Package 1, which is focused on project management, strategic guidance, and assembling an Advisory Board to offer valuable insights. Looking ahead, he is excited about the full-scale demonstrations in Norway, France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands set to showcase SEAMLESS innovations.

Through collaborative efforts with other work packages, WP1 helps identify and solve administrative and technical challenges, ensuring the success of SEAMLESS.

Discover more by reading the interview!


Brief Introduction

Can you briefly introduce yourself and your role in the SEAMLESS project? 

My name is Prof. Nikos Ventikos, and I am a professor at the Laboratory for Maritime Transport in the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NA&ME) at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). I also serve as the Coordinator of the SEAMLESS project, representing NTUA while leading and managing my academic research group called Maritime Risk Group (MRG). In addition to my coordinating role, I oversee and provide strategic guidance for NTUA’s various contributions to SEAMLESS, which include the Building Blocks requirements, vessel design, the development of a risk-based approval process for autonomous ships, the creation of the ModalNET platform, coordination of impact assessment efforts, and the planning of SEAMLESS’s ambitious demonstrations. 

Overview of Work Package

Could you provide an overview of your work package’s objectives and its importance within the SEAMLESS project? 

Work Package 1 focuses on managing and strategically guiding the Consortium toward success. Its objectives are to: 

  • Ensure the project is managed efficiently and effectively from administrative, financial, and technical perspectives. 
  • Assemble a competent Advisory Board to monitor the project and provide valuable input and strategic advice to the Consortium. 
  • Ensure that all data produced within SEAMLESS is handled transparently, in full compliance with EC data management guidelines. 
  • Develop guidelines and procedures to ensure high-quality outcomes throughout the project’s duration. 

It is worth noting that NTUA leads the Work Package responsible for assessing the overall impact of SEAMLESS innovations (WP6). However, information regarding this WP will be shared in a separate discussion.  

Coordinating the project in an efficient, timely, and effective manner remains a top priority. 

Goals and Targets

What are the main goals of your work package? Are there any specific targets or milestones you aimed to achieve? 

The primary goal of WP1 is to ensure the smooth execution of the project and the successful delivery of all tasks outlined in the Grant Agreement to the EC. It is important to acknowledge that no project is without challenges. Therefore, a competent Coordination team must provide the necessary support to the Consortium, not only administratively but also technically, ensuring the project’s goals and impact are achieved. Regarding key milestones for managing SEAMLESS, the next priority is to convene the first SEAMLESS Advisory Board meeting and provide full support to WP7 for the planning and implementation of the demonstrations. 

Key Achievements

What are the key achievements of your work package so far?  

Although there have been several key achievements in the administrative and financial management of the project, I believe they may not be of particular interest to the reader, so I will omit them. 


How did you collaborate with other work packages? What has been the impact of this collaboration? 

WP1 must maintain an overview and understanding of every work package within the project. Consequently, NTUA’s coordination team has a thorough understanding of, and in many cases, significant involvement in, all project WPs. This level of involvement ensures the smooth running of the project by identifying and addressing administrative and technical challenges in a timely and efficient manner.  

Future Plans

What are the next steps for your work package? Are there any upcoming activities or developments you’re particularly excited about? 

Considering that WP1 is mainly relevant to the management of the project, I cannot say I am excited about any upcoming activities relevant to this specifically 😊. However, I am looking forward to the project’s full scale demonstrations in the context of WP7 which will take place in Norway, France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands! 

Lessons Learned

What are some key lessons you’ve learned throughout the process? How might these lessons be applied to future projects or initiatives? 

Over the years, I have learned two key lessons. First, a Coordinator must be proactive and unafraid to take action or voice disagreement when it’s essential for the project’s success. Second, a Coordinator should always provide the necessary support to partners, ensuring they are satisfied and able to perform at their best.