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NTUA & Valenciaport presented SEAMLESS at the 5th International Ship Autonomy and Sustainability Summit

  • 03/09/2024

The 5th International Ship Autonomy and Sustainability Summit shed new light on autonomy in shipping and addressed what is really meant by MASS (Maritime Autonomous Ships and Shipping).

The Project Coordinator, Prof. Ventikos, along with Jorge Lara Lopez, presented the overall concept and the disruptive business models of the SEAMLESS project in the context of the event, held for the first time in Germany and organized by NFAS in collaboration with the European Commission.

The event included an amazing series of panel discussions and presentations relevant to all of the pressing matters that pertain to Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS).

Special thanks must be extended to Jakob Terling and Ornulf Rodseth for moderating the conference in such an excellent manner.