
Safe Process 2024

  • 04/06/2024
  • Ferrara, Italy

IFAC SAFEPROCESS is a major international gathering of leading experts in academia and industry. It aims at strengthening contacts between academia and industry to build up new networks and cultivate existing relations. High-level speakers will present the global spectrum of fault diagnosis, process supervision and safety monitoring, state-of-the-art applications, and emerging research directions. The symposium is also meant as a forum for young scientists from all over the world, with the opportunity to introduce their research projects and works to an audience of international experts, young researchers, academics, and students. Fault diagnosis, Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) and Fault-Tolerant Control (FTC) build a major area of research at the intersection of systems and control engineering, artificial intelligence, applied mathematics and statistics, and application fields like chemical, electrical, mechanical, aerospace engineering and transportation systems. IFAC has recognized the significance of this area by launching a triennial symposium series dedicated to these subjects. SAFEPROCESS 2024 is continuing the successful series of symposia. The IFAC SAFEPROCESS 2024 edition will be focused on major topics, i.e., energy, cybersecurity, water systems, and autonomous vehicles. Special sessions, plenary lectures, tutorials, benchmarks, and roundtables will highlight industrial-academic projects, challenges, and applications.

Discover more here.