
The implementation of SEAMLESS is organized into 8 Work Packages (WPs).


Seamless Workplan


The work plan will commence with the “Baseline/Positioning” phase (M1-M24) in WP2, where system design and requirements for the SEAMLESS building blocks will be derived, while WP3, WP4, and WP5 will initiate the development of the specifications for the technical solutions. The “Innovation” phase (M25-M36) will include the development of the SEAMLESS key technology building blocks and Minimum Viable Product (MVP) (WP3–WP5). The results from this phase will contribute towards:

  • realising the SEAMLESS objectives;
  • raising awareness for the industrial and research communities; and
  • serving as a proof-of-concept for all stakeholders.

The “Verification” phase (M36-M48) will include full-scale demonstrators in WP7 for all SEAMLESS building blocks. The demonstrators will be performed by the end-users within the Consortium and the results will be used to quantify the identified KPIs, while the SEAMLESS community will validate SEAMLESS against its objectives. The “Impact assessment” phase will ensure SEAMLESS long-term sustainability, exploitation, promotion, and the potential commercialization of the different key technology blocks (WP8). This will be achieved by:

  • assessing the individual and combined performance of the SEAMLESS building blocks within the context of the SEAMLESS use cases (identified in WP2).
  • assessing the impact of the SEAMLESS solutions across European supply chain, and
  • developing viable business models and business plans.